(Another) Fresh Start

So Posterous is dead now.

Fortunately, they were fair about this terrible deal and gave a nice heads up, complete with a backup solution to migrate my blog content.

Not that there was much content there anyway, which is the exact reason for this new post here. With “dotfile”, I’ve managed to neglect yet another blog, which is idiotic and inexcusable really. I mean, I did have fun writing some of the posts here, and enjoyed having this playground which is more technology-oriented, so, what gives?

Anyway then, here is to another go.

For now, this blog uses Octopress (a framework for Jekyll) and is hosted on GitHub.
I say “for now” because, while both Octopress and Jekyll are two pretty cool pieces of software, and are very nice to study from and play around with, they just don’t sit as tightly as I’d like a blog engine to. It’s a feeling thing. And admittedly, this might be resolved by more tweaking and configuring to get everything to my taste.

So, let’s do this.


(Yes, this post was just here to separate the old blog’s content from the new site. No real announcement.)